Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Happy New Year and Welcome Back!

First, I'd like to thank you for making our end of 2nd quarter learning celebration a success! It was amazing to see so many proud faces, on both students and parents!

Thank you also for all of the thoughtful and generous Christmas gifts!

We have hit the ground running for the second half of the year and are already back in the swing of things. Here is an overview of what we will be working on for the next several weeks in 4th grade:

We have started an integrated Reading/Writing project that focuses on historical fiction and begins with reinforcing our nonfiction work from last quarter to build background knowledge. This week and next we are working to build a timeline and learn about significant events in the Civil Rights Era. Then we will transition to picture books, read alouds, and book clubs using historical fiction literature set during that time. Students will be reinforcing our work from the 1st 9 weeks to analyze characters and try to "walk in their shoes". 

In Science we have a short mini unit that focuses on the phases of the moon and what causes night and day, then we will use our Social Studies time to look at important events in NC during the Civil Rights Era.

In Math we will be focusing on mastering the standard algorithm for multi digit addition and subtraction- adding and subtracting up to 4 digit numbers the "old way". Students have used other methods in 2nd and 3rd grade to build understanding and will now look at how using the standard algorithm is usually the most efficient method. 

A few other important announcements/reminders:

Last 9 weeks you received info about re-registering your child to attend HES next. Thank you so much to those of you have already completed that, if you have questions or need more information please let me know. All students must re register to hold their spot at HES.  

Beginning next week students will have a small amount of math homework each week. Every Monday they will bring home a worksheet with math practice that is either a review or practice of skills we are currently working on. The sheet will be divided into days, Monday-Thursday. Your child may complete each column on the listed day, or however works for your family/your schedule. Completed homework should be turned in each Friday.  

Please help your child remember to charge their computer each night. 

Yesterday students received permission slips for our field trip to the NC Symphony on February 25th. Please complete and return this sheet. No money is needed  for this trip. We usually ask students for "dress their best" for this trip- more info about that when we get closer to the trip.

Important Dates:

January   15 PTA meeting, 6:30pm
                20- MLK, Jr, no school

February   21   Teacher Workday
                 25    Symphonyt Trip

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