Monday, April 15, 2019

Hi Everyone-

We are off to a great start for the 4th 9 weeks! Below you will see a brief summary of topics we will cover this quarter.

In reading we have reviewed much of the poetry work we did earlier in the year with local poet, Mr. Shabaaz. We focused specifically on an author's message and identifying mood and theme. We will also spend some time reading Greek mythology and identifying allusions and their origins (for ex- "Herculean effort", "Achilles heel"). Then we will review all of the reader's statements from the first 3 quarters to identify and practice how those types of skills are assessed on the EOG's. 

In math we are working on geometry. We have focused on vocabulary so far, working with words like, parallel, perpendicular, acute, right, and obtuse. We will continue to work with vocabulary and move into learning to use a protractor to measure and draw angles. We will also do some work with metric measurement before we begin reviewing for the math EOG's.

In science we are in our food and nutrition unit. So far we have learned about vitamins and minerals- what our bodies need and what foods to find them in, and different types of sugar. We will also learn about fats, planning healthy meals/snacks, and students will get some time branch out and research/write about a nutrition topic of their choice- for ex, food allergies, how much sugar is too much, 'sometimes ' foods vs. 'anytime' foods, nutrition for athletes, etc.

Students should continue to read at least 20 minutes in their independent book for homework each night, Monday-Thursday. 

Also, please help your child remember to keep their computer charger at home and CHARGE THEIR COMPUTER EACH NIGHT.


April 17        General PTA Meeting    6:30pm
April 18        Spring Picture Day
April 19        No School- Good Friday
April 22-26   Spring Book Fair

May 27         No School- Memorial Day
May 29         Reading EOG
May 30         Math EOG

June 7         Last day of 4th grade- students dismiss at 11:30