Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Happy Tuesday everyone!
Here are some updates and info for this week.
REMINDER:  On Friday, October 25th we will be
visiting Old Salem. All students need to bring a lunch
and drink. We will be walking around outdoors quite a
bit, please dress accordingly. Students do not need any
extra money, but they may bring money to spend at the
bakery. Chaperones- you will need to pay at the visitor’s
center when you arrive. The address for the visitor’s
center is: 

900 Old Salem Rd 
Winston Salem NC 27101

**note from the group coordinator at Old Salem-
PLEASE NOTE: for the next couple of years, there will be major roadway 
construction around Winston-Salem, affecting routing to Old Salem.  The 
day before your visit please check www.business40nc.com for the most 
up-to-date directions.  Allow additional time for travel.

Do you have a large cooler we can borrow
for lunches? If so we would love to have
them by Thursday afternoon.

In both reading and writing we will continue our
nonfiction work. In reading we are doing background
reading about Native American tribes in the 3
regions of NC. Once we have read about tribes in
each region we will compare and contrast differences
in their ways of life and look at possible explanations
for the differences.

In writing we are practicing creating and supporting
a thesis statement based on our writing about
important people to us.

In social studies we will begin studying the Lost Colony
and colonization of each region of NC.

In math we will review multiplication and division and
then have our test for unit 2.

Today students will bring home their "Home Connections"
math workbooks. Every 2 weeks or so I will share pages
they can do for OPTIONAL math homework. I will try to
offer pages that students should be familiar with and
can do pretty independently. For now, pages I suggest are:
1, 2, 6, 7,8, 13, 14, 19,23,33,34,36,41,42,44

Bring your blankets/ chairs and picnic baskets and join HES families
for dinner and games on Friday, October 25th on the field for food,
fun, and friendship. 5:30pm - 9:00 pm

HES is joining Hillsborough Police department on October 26th at
Fairview Park providing fun activities and a safe trunk-or-treating
experience for families in our community.  Please continue to send
in bags of candy this week through October 25th that we can
use at our Dolphin trunk.

Enrollment for 2020-2021
HES has started hosting prospective families with Spanish interpreters available on some dates. Tour dates and times are listed on the HES website.  If you know of a family that will have a kindergarten student next year, is new to the community, or is a current OCS student at another school and want to be part of our HES family, please encourage them to visit us to get to know about the learning opportunities we have to offer.  Applications are encouraged for new K-5 students and will open in January. Returning families will also re-apply given first priority in January. Help us spread the word.

Fall Scholastic Book Fair will be November 4th - 8th
Mark your calendars!
The book fair will be open from 7:30 am to 3:15 pm Monday through Thursday, and from 7:30 to noon on Friday. That Tuesday we will stay open until 6pm for family and friends who are unable to visit the fair during school hours.

Please join us to shop before the morning bells ring, during your child's scheduled classroom visit, during lunch that week and of course during the extended hours on Tuesday!

One of the keys to a successful book fair is a team of wonderful volunteers! If you would like to volunteer and/or if you have any questions please contact Valerie Lund via email, valerie@briareos.net. Thank You!  

Be on the lookout for more specific information as we get closer!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Welcome Back, I hope everyone had a wonderful fall break!

Our 2nd quarter is off to a great start! Here is a quick overview of what we will be doing in each academic area.

This quarter our focus is on nonfiction reading. We will begin by identifying some of the differences between fiction and nonfiction and how preview, predict, etc differently for nonfiction texts. We will also work on activating and confirming prior knowledge, collecting information, and organizing new information. Beginning next week (10/14)students should be reading nonfiction for their 20 minutes each night.

We are continuing to work on multiplication this quarter. We are working more on 1 digit by 2 digit and starting to explore 2 digit by 2 digit. For 4th grade, we focus on decomposing numbers to make smaller (easier) problems and adding together partial products. For example: 

Social Studies;
We will study groups of people that were native to North Carolina and identify similarities and differences between tribes in the different regions of NC. We will also study groups that settled in the 3 regions of NC. We will double up on nonfiction work during this time and get some extra practice with nonfiction reading strategies.

In writing we are beginning to work on opinion writing. This week we are working on creating s simple thesis statement and explaining it with 3 reasons. Next we are adding details to the reasons to create a paragraph explaining the thesis statement. Here is the class example we worked on together:

Other Important Info:

OCS LEGO Blitz 2019 - Registration closes October 14th 
We welcome our elementary and middle school students to join us for the  2019 Lego Blitz Build. This is a time for students to come together as a team and build while partnering with Habitat for Humanity! If you want to build and can’t find a team, please reach out to your room parents as they are working together to help connect students. 

The Lego Blitz will be held on Thursday, October 17th. Registration closes on Monday, Oct. 14th.  Teams of 4 are required for this event. 

Click here to Register: https://goo.gl/forms/f0gNRKfOz8nnvkti2  

Important Dates:
October 10     HES STEM night 5:30-7:30
              12     Campus Beautification Day 9am- noon
              14     HES Spirit Night at Radius Pizza
              25     Old Salem field trip

November  11  No School- Veteran's Day
                   26 In-School Science field trip w/ Science Fun for Everyone (more info to come)
                   27-29  Thanksgiving Break