Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Hi Everyone!

We have just a week and a half until winter break and what a full week and a half it will be!

Next Friday, December 13th from 1-2pm we will host our "Showcase of Learning" for the first semester. Students will choose a piece of work that they are proud of, thought was interesting, felt they did their best on, etc to share. This can be anything from the big reading-writing-science integrated project we are currently working on to a poem written in the first 9 weeks, to an art assignment from Mr. O's class. Students will be prepared to share what they learned from the piece of work they choose and why they wanted to share it. We hope you can join us!

*We would like to have cookies and cocoa during our "Showcase of Learning" . I was planning to make cocoa in a crockpot, I have one, does anyone have another we could borrow? We could also use some styrofoam cups, marshmallows, and cookies. 

Before we leave for winter break we will take the mid year reading and math screeners using Aimsweb. Please make sure students have a fully charged computer each day.

We plan to go out for recess each day, unless it is raining. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather each day and has a sweatshirt or jacket. 

Here are a few pictures from our science fun day last week :)


Monday, November 18, 2019

Hi Everyone!

We have a lot going on in the next few weeks, here is a sneak peek!

Next Tuesday, 11/22 will be our Science Fun Day. Hopefully you have seen the bright green sheet with all of the details. If you need a new one let me know. The cost is $24, please turn this in by this Friday, 11/22.

You may have read in the weekly Dolphin Dispatch about our new approach to the end of semester Celebration of Learning. On Friday December 13th from 1:00-2:00 we invite you to come to our class and look at student work from this semester. Each student will  choose a piece of work to showcase and write a reflection about why it is their favorite, what they are most proud of, etc.

Tomorrow and Wednesday we will take the first round of NC Checkins for this year. These are assessments created by the NC Department of Public Instruction  to see what objectives students have mastered and what they need extra support with. These tests are similar to the EOG's, but not as long. As always, PLEASE make sure your child's computer is FULLY CHARGED for these assessments. 

Now that the weather is turning colder, please make sure your child has a coat, jacket, sweatshirt, etc for recess. As long as the windchill is above freezing and it isn't raining we make every effort to go outside.

HES Dolphins helping others - Giving Tree
WOW - DOLPHINS FAMILIES YOU ARE AMAZING!  We have had two trees full of giving tags already claimed and there are still more available. Spread a little cheer this holiday season by adopting a tag from the HES Giving Tree. Our Giving Tree will be open for selection on Friday, November 8th. Each tag represents a wish item or a clothing item for a student in need. The Giving Tree is located in the HES main office. Only adults should choose a tag from the tree. Mrs Creech, School Social Worker, is available to help families select wish items through phone or email.  All items should be returned to the main office by Thursday, December 5th. Donations of walmart or grocery store gift cards are also appreciated. or ext. 25067.  #dolphinshelpingothers

Please fill out the following survey for our PTA:

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Happy Tuesday everyone!
Here are some updates and info for this week.
REMINDER:  On Friday, October 25th we will be
visiting Old Salem. All students need to bring a lunch
and drink. We will be walking around outdoors quite a
bit, please dress accordingly. Students do not need any
extra money, but they may bring money to spend at the
bakery. Chaperones- you will need to pay at the visitor’s
center when you arrive. The address for the visitor’s
center is: 

900 Old Salem Rd 
Winston Salem NC 27101

**note from the group coordinator at Old Salem-
PLEASE NOTE: for the next couple of years, there will be major roadway 
construction around Winston-Salem, affecting routing to Old Salem.  The 
day before your visit please check for the most 
up-to-date directions.  Allow additional time for travel.

Do you have a large cooler we can borrow
for lunches? If so we would love to have
them by Thursday afternoon.

In both reading and writing we will continue our
nonfiction work. In reading we are doing background
reading about Native American tribes in the 3
regions of NC. Once we have read about tribes in
each region we will compare and contrast differences
in their ways of life and look at possible explanations
for the differences.

In writing we are practicing creating and supporting
a thesis statement based on our writing about
important people to us.

In social studies we will begin studying the Lost Colony
and colonization of each region of NC.

In math we will review multiplication and division and
then have our test for unit 2.

Today students will bring home their "Home Connections"
math workbooks. Every 2 weeks or so I will share pages
they can do for OPTIONAL math homework. I will try to
offer pages that students should be familiar with and
can do pretty independently. For now, pages I suggest are:
1, 2, 6, 7,8, 13, 14, 19,23,33,34,36,41,42,44

Bring your blankets/ chairs and picnic baskets and join HES families
for dinner and games on Friday, October 25th on the field for food,
fun, and friendship. 5:30pm - 9:00 pm

HES is joining Hillsborough Police department on October 26th at
Fairview Park providing fun activities and a safe trunk-or-treating
experience for families in our community.  Please continue to send
in bags of candy this week through October 25th that we can
use at our Dolphin trunk.

Enrollment for 2020-2021
HES has started hosting prospective families with Spanish interpreters available on some dates. Tour dates and times are listed on the HES website.  If you know of a family that will have a kindergarten student next year, is new to the community, or is a current OCS student at another school and want to be part of our HES family, please encourage them to visit us to get to know about the learning opportunities we have to offer.  Applications are encouraged for new K-5 students and will open in January. Returning families will also re-apply given first priority in January. Help us spread the word.

Fall Scholastic Book Fair will be November 4th - 8th
Mark your calendars!
The book fair will be open from 7:30 am to 3:15 pm Monday through Thursday, and from 7:30 to noon on Friday. That Tuesday we will stay open until 6pm for family and friends who are unable to visit the fair during school hours.

Please join us to shop before the morning bells ring, during your child's scheduled classroom visit, during lunch that week and of course during the extended hours on Tuesday!

One of the keys to a successful book fair is a team of wonderful volunteers! If you would like to volunteer and/or if you have any questions please contact Valerie Lund via email, Thank You!  

Be on the lookout for more specific information as we get closer!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Welcome Back, I hope everyone had a wonderful fall break!

Our 2nd quarter is off to a great start! Here is a quick overview of what we will be doing in each academic area.

This quarter our focus is on nonfiction reading. We will begin by identifying some of the differences between fiction and nonfiction and how preview, predict, etc differently for nonfiction texts. We will also work on activating and confirming prior knowledge, collecting information, and organizing new information. Beginning next week (10/14)students should be reading nonfiction for their 20 minutes each night.

We are continuing to work on multiplication this quarter. We are working more on 1 digit by 2 digit and starting to explore 2 digit by 2 digit. For 4th grade, we focus on decomposing numbers to make smaller (easier) problems and adding together partial products. For example: 

Social Studies;
We will study groups of people that were native to North Carolina and identify similarities and differences between tribes in the different regions of NC. We will also study groups that settled in the 3 regions of NC. We will double up on nonfiction work during this time and get some extra practice with nonfiction reading strategies.

In writing we are beginning to work on opinion writing. This week we are working on creating s simple thesis statement and explaining it with 3 reasons. Next we are adding details to the reasons to create a paragraph explaining the thesis statement. Here is the class example we worked on together:

Other Important Info:

OCS LEGO Blitz 2019 - Registration closes October 14th 
We welcome our elementary and middle school students to join us for the  2019 Lego Blitz Build. This is a time for students to come together as a team and build while partnering with Habitat for Humanity! If you want to build and can’t find a team, please reach out to your room parents as they are working together to help connect students. 

The Lego Blitz will be held on Thursday, October 17th. Registration closes on Monday, Oct. 14th.  Teams of 4 are required for this event. 

Click here to Register:  

Important Dates:
October 10     HES STEM night 5:30-7:30
              12     Campus Beautification Day 9am- noon
              14     HES Spirit Night at Radius Pizza
              25     Old Salem field trip

November  11  No School- Veteran's Day
                   26 In-School Science field trip w/ Science Fun for Everyone (more info to come)
                   27-29  Thanksgiving Break

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Image result for fall leaf clip art

Happy September!

I hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend!

We have a lot packed in to our next 2 weeks before fall break! If you do not already have a conference scheduled to go over your child's 1st quarter report card, they are bringing home another sign up sheet today- please check yellow folders for those.

All students should be bringing home an info note about our first field trip. We will be visiting Old Salem on Friday October 25th. The cost for students is $21 and all STUDENT money is due before fall break. Parents who would like to chaperone will pay at Old Salem the day of the trip. Please see the letter for more details.

As we wrap up this quarter we will finish up our work with realistic fiction in both reading and writing. In math we will spend the rest of this 9 weeks looking a little deeper into multiplication and starting to multiply larger numbers- keep working to memorize those multiplication facts! 

A few other important things:

Our canned food drive will continue until this Friday, 9/6. 

HES STEM night will be this Thursday from 5:30-7:00, if you plan to attend please RSVP here:

Congratulations to our first 2 Terrific Kids of 2019-2020, Natalie Kunz and Seamus Hester!

Important Upcoming Dates:

September   12   Old Salem field trip money due
                    13     last day of the 1st 9 weeks

October        8     beginning of the 2nd 9 weeks

November   11   No School- Veteran's Day

Friday, August 16, 2019

Happy Friday everyone!

Your child is bringing home several important papers today. They have an envelope that contains their interim report, a letter to sign up for report card conferences, and their math EOG scores from last year. You may remembered these were not released with reading scores because it was a "re-norming" year for math scores.

Next week is going to be an exciting week in 4th grade. We will have a local poet in residency with us, Mr Philip Shabazz. He has been doing week long poetry residencies with us for many, many years. Students will generate ideas and learn to write AMAZING poetry in just a few sessions with him. BIG thanks to the PTA for continuing to find this cultural arts experience. 

Be on the lookout next week for detailed info about our first field trip. 

Important Dates:

Aug 22     Picture Day, HES Spirit Night at Whit's
Aug 23     No School- Teacher Workday

Sept 2     No School- Labor Day
Sept 5     STEAM night at HES
Sept 13   Last day of the 1st 9 weeks

Monday, July 29, 2019

Hi Everyone-

We are off to a great start to week 3 and I have lots of stuff to share! (Some of this will be a repeat if you were able to make it to Open House.)

I would like to thank everyone SO much for all of the school supplies that you donated! My cabinets are overflowing and I can't thank you enough!

For most of this quarter in Reading our focus will be on developing good independent reading habits and deeply studying characters. Our new read aloud book is Tiger Rising by Kate DiCamillo. Most of our lessons will be about describing characters and using what we know about them to make reasonable predictions and inferences.

In Math we are reviewing and extending what students learned in third grade about multiplication. We are using many different strategies to solve and memorize the basic multiplication facts (or times tables) and apply what we know to larger numbers. For example, if you know that 6 x 4= 24 you can easily find that 60 x 40= 240. Students are encouraged to use hit the button or other activities to practice their multiplication facts at home for 120-15 each night.

In Social Studies we are learning about the location and geography of NC. Students are learning to read maps for lots of different types of info and to locate NC in relation to the world and locations within NC.

In writing we are working to grow an idea or “small moment” into a story. We have started this week by creating an idea for an "extra" chapter to our last read aloud book. Given what we know about the different characters and patterns in their behavior we have started building a chapter where the mischievous character continues to annoy his older brother as much as possible!

Do you ever get frustrated because you ask your child what they did today and all you get is a, “Nothing” from them? Here are a few specific questions you could ask this week to hopefully get a little info about what we do each day.

  • From our read aloud book- Can you explain Rob’s “suitcase”? How is the author using an imaginary suitcase to describe a character to you?
  • What do writer’s do to stretch an idea into a paragraph and then into a story?
  • What region of NC do we live in? What are some other cities/town in our region? Can you name a city or town in each of the other 2 regions of NC?

Please read below to see our class rules and consequences:
Class Rules:  
1. Be kind
2. Be Safe
3. Be respectful & polite 
4. Listen & Follow Directions
5. Focus on yourself & do your best

1st reminder- warning
2nd reminder- “Strike” 10 min of silent lunch
3rd reminder- “Strike” 20 min of silent lunch
If a student receives a strike it will come home for you to initial that night and should be returned to school the next day.

Homework Reminder:
Students are required to read for at least 20 minutes in their independent book each night for homework. They are always welcomed to read more :)

Monday, April 15, 2019

Hi Everyone-

We are off to a great start for the 4th 9 weeks! Below you will see a brief summary of topics we will cover this quarter.

In reading we have reviewed much of the poetry work we did earlier in the year with local poet, Mr. Shabaaz. We focused specifically on an author's message and identifying mood and theme. We will also spend some time reading Greek mythology and identifying allusions and their origins (for ex- "Herculean effort", "Achilles heel"). Then we will review all of the reader's statements from the first 3 quarters to identify and practice how those types of skills are assessed on the EOG's. 

In math we are working on geometry. We have focused on vocabulary so far, working with words like, parallel, perpendicular, acute, right, and obtuse. We will continue to work with vocabulary and move into learning to use a protractor to measure and draw angles. We will also do some work with metric measurement before we begin reviewing for the math EOG's.

In science we are in our food and nutrition unit. So far we have learned about vitamins and minerals- what our bodies need and what foods to find them in, and different types of sugar. We will also learn about fats, planning healthy meals/snacks, and students will get some time branch out and research/write about a nutrition topic of their choice- for ex, food allergies, how much sugar is too much, 'sometimes ' foods vs. 'anytime' foods, nutrition for athletes, etc.

Students should continue to read at least 20 minutes in their independent book for homework each night, Monday-Thursday. 

Also, please help your child remember to keep their computer charger at home and CHARGE THEIR COMPUTER EACH NIGHT.


April 17        General PTA Meeting    6:30pm
April 18        Spring Picture Day
April 19        No School- Good Friday
April 22-26   Spring Book Fair

May 27         No School- Memorial Day
May 29         Reading EOG
May 30         Math EOG

June 7         Last day of 4th grade- students dismiss at 11:30

Friday, March 8, 2019

Believe it or not, we are almost 3/4 of the way the way through 4th grade!

Here are a few updates and reminders for our last week before Spring Break.

As I mentioned in the last update, we will celebrate the end of our integrated reading/writing/social studies unit with a student created Civil Rights Museum. Students have chosen topics or questions to study and create a museum display to teach others about their topic. The museum will be Thursday March 14th from 10-11:30. We hope you can join us!

Image result for geode clip artAnother exciting event next week will take place Tuesday, 3/12. Thank to the generosity of our PTA we will have an in school field trip to wrap up our rocks and minerals unit, at NO COST TO STUDENTS. Students will get to see lots of geodes and fossils and crack their own geodes to keep.

Image result for greensboro science centerWe are TENTATIVELY planning to visit the Greensboro Science Center on Thursday April 25th. If we get word that the trip has been approved before break we will send home more info, including final cost. If not, please look for it soon after we come back. If you are interested in chaperoning this trip you may go ahead and complete the background check.

Image result for computer clip artPlease help your child remember to keep their computer charger at home and charge their computer each night. Also, many students headphones haven't made it this far in the year. If your child needs a new set, Mrs. Lovingood has earbuds available at the school store for $1.

Important Dates:
March 15     end of the 3rd quarter, report cards go home

April 8         first day of the 4th quarter
April 19       no school- Good Friday
April 24       Field Day

May 27       no school- Memorial Day
May 29-30  EOG's