Friday, February 28, 2014

Happy Friday Everyone! 

We have a couple of very busy weeks coming up! Please read through the following info and reminders.

The countdown to the DC field trip has begun! As someone who loves to travel but doesn't get to very often, I always get so excited about this trip! While it is a tremendous amount of work to plan, we are SO appreciative for all parent chaperones. It would truly be impossible to pull off this trip without your help and hard work. 

Week of March 3-7
-Monday we will have visits from middle school counselors to explain courses and registration
- Wednesday is an early release day
-Thursday and Friday I will be in Raleigh for the NCTIES technology in education conference
-Thursday PARENT INFO MEETING, Thursday March 6 @ 5:45pm  in the media center
(we will go over what to pack, what not to bring, groups, and other reminders)

Week of March 10-14
- Monday your child will bring home DC tshirt(s), these should be PACKED to be worn on FRIDAY of the the trip
-Tuesday students will visit their respective middle school, please return the blue permission slip
-remember that we will no t meet at school for the trip, we will meet and leave cars at the Wal Mart parking lot in Hillsborough