Monday, January 7, 2019

Happy New Year & Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and a fun and relaxing winter break!

Thank you so, so much for all of the kind and thoughtful gifts that you shared with me!

Here is an overview of what we will be working on for the next few weeks in 4th grade:

Reading & Writing:

This quarter the 4th grade will be reading and studying non-fiction texts in the context of historical events, as well as historical fiction in its application to real-world events. This unit offers the opportunity to combine ELA and Writing standards to maximize student engagement and take-away. The 4th grade uses the Civil Rights Movements of the United States from the Restoration Era to the 1960's as the content vehicle to deliver these lessons, focusing on major historical figures and events that contributed to the Movement. Students will begin learning about the real-world history of the Civil Rights Movement by reading non-fiction historical texts; we will be reading both 1st-hand and 2nd-hand accounts to give students factual background knowledge about the environment and factors that contributed to the Civil Rights Movement, identifying and ordering events and their consequences. Some of the events we will be reading about include:
  • The Greensboro 4, and the Sit-Ins
  • The Birmingham Riots
  • The Selma March
  • Martin Luther King, Jr., and his non-violent protests and influence
  • Montgomery, Alabama
  • The Washington, D.C. March and the I Have a Dream Speech

Week 1: Basic Fractions 3rd Grade Review
Week 2: Fractions (Equivalent, Unit Fractions)
Week 3: Fractions (Comparing)
Week 4: Fractions (Comparing)
Week 5: Decimals
Week 6: Fraction/Decimal Conversion
Week 7: Adding/Subtracting Fractions & Decimals
Week 8: Adding/Subtracting Fractions & Decimals
Week 9: Review & Assessment

We will begin the quarter with our brief but interesting unit about phases of the moon. This small unit focuses on the cause of day and night and how the appearance of the moon changes.

A few reminders:

 PLEASE remind your child to charge their computer each evening. Most days we use computers in class for at least one or two activities and things run much smoother if everyone has a working computer.

Please also help your child to remember to bring a sweatshirt or jacket each day. Unless it is extremely cold or raining we will be having outdoor recess.

Beginning this quarter there will be a slight change in our classroom behavior policy. For the first half of the year students who did not earn a strike (the yellow slips used as a consequence/home communication for breaking a classroom rule after being reminded of the rule) each day earned a dum dum at the end of the day. Now students who make it to the end of the day without getting any strikes will get a “Dolphin Dollar”. Over the next few weeks the students as students begin to accrue money they will help me determine a list of things to spend their Dolphin Dollars on. Some possibilities include:
  • Wearing a hat for a day
  • Working with their shoes off
  • Sitting with a friend from another class at lunch
  • Working in my reading chair
  • Exemption from a lap at recess

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