Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Our Week at a Glance

Weekly Update Aug 5-9

This week in math:
We will continue our work with place value. One of the new math objectives in 5th grade is exponents (for example: 103  =10x10x10 = 1000). We will spend a little more time on expanded form to prepare to start working with exponents on Tuesday or Wednesday.

This week In Reading:
Our reader’s statements for the week will all revolve around active thinking while reading. We will look at what authors do that make us stop and wonder about their purpose, predict what is about to change, or how a character is going to react to a problem in the text.

This week in Writing:
Students will narrow their topic choices from the list we generated as a class related to our read aloud, Wonder. Once they have chosen the one they are most interested in they will work in pairs of students with the same interest and generate questions they want to answer, ideas on the topic, etc.

We will also begin word study this week. Each day they will complete a different task with their word list. Their words are tailored to their needs based on a spelling inventory that showed what sounds and spelling patterns they have mastered and where they need more work. They will have test on Friday of each week. It is my goal to have these graded and in their binders when they leave on Friday afternoon for you to see.

This week in SS:
We are now studying Colonial America. On Friday we watched a fast-pace, kid friendly video called, “Crash Course in American History” to get an overview of colonial life and activate their prior knowledge. We will look at the colonies in regions and identify why they were founded, who they were founded by and what kept their economies going.

On Monday August 26 we will have our first in-school science field trip through SCIENCE FUN FOR EVERYONE. The students will rotate through 3 different sessions. The cost for this is $21.00., please send in money by 8/26.

Thank you,

Casey Nunnery                  
919.732.6137 X43502

Important Dates:

Aug  15     1st PTA meeting, 6:30
        21     early release, 11:20
        26    Science Fun day ($21)

Sept  2      Labor Day- no school
         13    end of 1st 9 weeks

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