Monday, August 31, 2015

A Few Updates & a SCIENCE FUN!

Report Cards:This week and next I will be finishing up conferences to go over your child's progress this quarter and his or her report card. If you aren't sure which time you signed up for or have missed your conference and need to reschedule please let me know. If I have already met with you, or am meeting with you this week I will send your child's report card home on the last day before break.

Tie Dye t-shirts:
If you haven't already done so, please send in $5 and a white t-shirt to be tie dyed. Please write your child's name on/near the tag in permanent marker. We ask that all money and shirts be turned in my next Tuesday, 9/8.

Items for our classroom:
I think we have enough of most supplies to last for the whole year.....except pencils! From what I can tell, the kids are eating them when my back is turned! :) But seriously, many of you have asked if we need anything for the classroom. Going in to the next quarter I think we will definitely need pencils. Mechanical pencils have become a distraction for lots of kids, so I'd love to get more regular pencils. Ticonderoga and Rose Art/USA Gold are the most reliable, sharpen best, don't end up in the trash, etc. 

And now for the good stuff! Here are some pics from our Science Fun Day. I encourage you to ask your child to tell about these, they had so many wonderful experiences today!

"Can you dig it? 
Geologists searching their 'mock rocks' for interesting minerals:


"Nature's Niche"
Students learned about different animals and their habitats, and physical and behavioral adaptations. I was so proud of how many of them were brave enough to hold the snake. I wish I could say I was! Despite getting to hold a ball python, the most exciting part of this session was when they discovered that the bearded dragon had pooped in it's cage :/

Fun Fossils & Formations

Students learned about fossils and landforms. They created a volcano, and then built and tested structures to see if they could withstand an earthquake!


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