Happy Friday everyone!
Your child is bringing home several important papers today. They have an envelope that contains their interim report, a letter to sign up for report card conferences, and their math EOG scores from last year. You may remembered these were not released with reading scores because it was a "re-norming" year for math scores.
Next week is going to be an exciting week in 4th grade. We will have a local poet in residency with us, Mr Philip Shabazz. He has been doing week long poetry residencies with us for many, many years. Students will generate ideas and learn to write AMAZING poetry in just a few sessions with him. BIG thanks to the PTA for continuing to find this cultural arts experience.
Be on the lookout next week for detailed info about our first field trip.
Important Dates:
Aug 22 Picture Day, HES Spirit Night at Whit's
Aug 23 No School- Teacher Workday
Sept 2 No School- Labor Day
Sept 5 STEAM night at HES
Sept 13 Last day of the 1st 9 weeks