Hi Everyone-
We are off to a great start to week 3 and I have lots of stuff to share! (Some of this will be a repeat if you were able to make it to Open House.)
I would like to thank everyone SO much for all of the school supplies that you donated! My cabinets are overflowing and I can't thank you enough!
For most of this quarter in Reading our focus will be on developing good independent reading habits and deeply studying characters. Our new read aloud book is Tiger Rising by Kate DiCamillo. Most of our lessons will be about describing characters and using what we know about them to make reasonable predictions and inferences.
In Math we are reviewing and extending what students learned in third grade about multiplication. We are using many different strategies to solve and memorize the basic multiplication facts (or times tables) and apply what we know to larger numbers. For example, if you know that 6 x 4= 24 you can easily find that 60 x 40= 240. Students are encouraged to use hit the button or other activities to practice their multiplication facts at home for 120-15 each night.
In Social Studies we are learning about the location and geography of NC. Students are learning to read maps for lots of different types of info and to locate NC in relation to the world and locations within NC.
In writing we are working to grow an idea or “small moment” into a story. We have started this week by creating an idea for an "extra" chapter to our last read aloud book. Given what we know about the different characters and patterns in their behavior we have started building a chapter where the mischievous character continues to annoy his older brother as much as possible!
Do you ever get frustrated because you ask your child what they did today and all you get is a, “Nothing” from them? Here are a few specific questions you could ask this week to hopefully get a little info about what we do each day.
- From our read aloud book- Can you explain Rob’s “suitcase”? How is the author using an imaginary suitcase to describe a character to you?
- What do writer’s do to stretch an idea into a paragraph and then into a story?
- What region of NC do we live in? What are some other cities/town in our region? Can you name a city or town in each of the other 2 regions of NC?
Please read below to see our class rules and consequences:
Class Rules:
1. Be kind
2. Be Safe
3. Be respectful & polite
4. Listen & Follow Directions
5. Focus on yourself & do your best
1st reminder- warning
2nd reminder- “Strike” 10 min of silent lunch
3rd reminder- “Strike” 20 min of silent lunch
If a student receives a strike it will come home for you to initial that night and should be returned to school the next day.
Homework Reminder:
Students are required to read for at least 20 minutes in their independent book each night for homework. They are always welcomed to read more :)