In reading this quarter we will focus most of our time on nonfiction. So far we have compared and contrasted fiction and nonfiction (characters vs. actual people, illustrations vs. photos, graphs, maps, etc) I am asking that students read nonfiction books for their independent reading time for the next several weeks. We have created interest list/brainstormed topics of interest such as animals, planets, places to visit, famous people, historical events, etc.)
In math we have reviewed place value and looked at 2 different addition methods, both methods were a review. Next we will review the method student learned in 3rd grade for multidigit subtraction and the move on to the standard algorithm (traditional method, borrowing). This will be new for most 4th graders.
In social studies we have studies the Lost Colony, the different theories of what happened, and new info that proves the Lost Colony wasn't actually lost! Next we will study Native American groups in NC and groups that settled across the 3 regions of NC.
**This week we will have PE on both WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY since we have missed the last 2 Thursdays because of storms.Please make sure you child wears sneakers BOTH
Enrollment for 2019-2020
HES will host another school tour for prospective families on Wednesday, October 17th at 8:30 am. Additional tour dates and times are listed on our website. If you know of a family that will have a kindergarten student next year, are new to the community, or just want to be part of our HES family, please encourage them to visit us to get to know about the learning opportunities we have to offer. Applications are encouraged for new K-5 students and will open in November. Returning families will also re-apply given first priority in November.
OCS Math Nights
- The district will be hosting 4 math nights this school year to provide parents with an overview of content, including strategies and games/activities to do with students to support the curriculum.
- The 2nd of 4 math nights will be November 1st - Efland Cheeks hosting
Important Dates:
October 29 Teacher Workday
November 5-9 Fall Bookfair at HES
November 12 No School- Veteran's Day
November 21-23 Thanksgiving Break