Friday, July 27, 2018

Happy Friday! Can you believe we've already finished 2 weeks of school?!?

Just a few quick reminders for this week:

If you have  not already, please return the emergency card, permission form for extra food in the cafeteria, and early release info sheet (orange) ASAP. If you need an extra copy of anything let me know. You may also receive a form with you child's current Powerschool info. Please check this form and make any changes. The back must be signed. Some of you completed this at Parent Info Night, if not it will be sent home.

I'm making a minor change with our classroom strikes. If your child gets a strike (the consequence for breaking a class rule after a warning) I need it to be initialed or signed by a parent and returned to school the following day. I think this will make sure that strikes are making it home to parents :) Below is an example of what a strike looks like. They will always be on yellow paper. Once we use up all the ones I have I will add a line for parent signature.

Name______________ date____________

Today I received ___ strike(s) because I:


As always, let me know if you have any questions.

Have a great weekend!

Important dates:

July 31       T shirt orders due
Aug 22       Early release @ 11:35am
Sept 3        No School- Labor Day
Sep 14       Last day of the first 9 weeks
Oct 8          First day of the 2nd 9 weeks

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Hi Everyone!

We've had a great first week of school and are off to a wonderful start to the year! I will use this class blog to share info, reminders, and pictures of things we are doing in the classroom. 

Thank you so very much for all of the supplies you have sent in. My cabinets and cubbies are well stocked and I hope to not have to ask for donations for a while! 

A few reminders to start the year:

-Please return forms ASAP (emergency card, early release form, parent questionnaire, permission to buy "extras" in the cafeteria)

-school starts at 7:55am , students are expected to be unpacked and in their seats at that time

-all doors to all buildings are locked once the school day begins, to get in the main building push the button and someone in the office will let you in

For now, the only 2 things I'm assigning for homework are to read independent books for 20 minutes and practicing multiplication facts for automaticity.  Students should be reading the same book at home and at school. Students can use flash cards, computer games, verbal quizzes, or anything else that works for your family to make sure they  have MEMORIZED their multiplication facts through 10's.  

Occasionally students will be assigned homework if they didn't complete an assignment in class. If I feel they worked hard and used time wisely in class I will not send unfinished work home. If they didn't finish an assignment because they weren't focused, wasted class time, etc, they will bring home the assignment with a yellow slip on the front explaining any 

You should have received an email from me with our class rules and consequences. Here is another copy for your reference. 

  1. BE KIND.
  2. BE SAFE.

If a student breaks a rule they will get 1 reminder/warning. If the rule is broken again they will get a strike. This will be a yellow slip of paper explaining their actions and which rule they broke.

1 strike= 10 minutes of silent lunch
2 strikes= 20 minutes of silent lunch
3 strikes= silent lunch and phone call home/possible office referral

Important dates:

July 26       Parent Info Night 5:00-5:30 OR 5:45-6:15
July 31       T shirt orders due
Aug 22       Early release @ 11:35am
Sept 3        No School- Labor Day
Sep 14       Last day of the first 9 weeks
Oct 8          First day of the 2nd 9 weeks

Lastly, at anytime this year if you have questions or concerns regarding your child please let me know. Email is probably the quickest and easiest way to get in touch with me. The only time I wouldn't use email is if your child's transportation plans change during the school day. I may or may not get an email about a change in time for dismissal.  IF YOUR CHILD'S TRANSPORTATION PLANS CHANGE DURING THE DAY, PLEASE CALL THE MAIN OFFICE, 919-732-6137.