Monday, December 11, 2017

Image result for snow clipartLast Weekly Update of 2017!

**Please check the previous post about our Winter Holidays Around the World celebration this Thursday, if you haven't already seen it.**

Our 1st semester awards ceremony is this Wednesday, 12-13. If your child is getting an award you should have received and email from me last week. 

If your child has their computer charger at home, please make sure they bring it back TOMORROW, (Tuesday 12-12-17). They are currently only labeled with their bar code number but we need to label them with their classroom number as well.

Image result for money clipartTomorrow will be our Market Day! Students are very excited about spending the money they have earned for good behavior/hard work and making money by providing a good or service to other 4th graders. If they have been working on their business at home please make sure they bring anything they need for tomorrow. 

Image result for pajama clipart
Tomorrow will also be our Pajama Day to celebrate meeting our Splash goal as a school! Students are welcome to wear pj's but please make sure they have shoes and coats for recess. 

Reminder- the last day of this quarter is THURSDAY, December 14th. The first day of the 3rd quarter will be TUESDAY January 9th. If you would like some work for your child over break I am assigning OPTIONAL assignments on Also, I am asking for each child to read 1 independent book over the break. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful winter break! I look froward to seeing all of you in January. Thank you so much for all you do to help our school run smoothly and supporting our efforts in the classroom!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

This week and next week  during our reading time we are concluding our study of nonfiction with a short mini unit about winter holidays around the world. Students are choosing what countries and/or holidays are most interesting to them and researching them. They are recording info about popular celebrations, traditions, foods, etc and comparing/contrasting them to traditions in their families. To celebrate the end of the 9 weeks and our break we will spend next Thursday (Dec. 14) sharing what we’ve learned as we read different books/websites about other countries. I would like to have different foods from some of the countries/holidays that we read about for the students to sample.  Please let me know if you would like to send in an item listed below or if you have another idea of something that we could sample.

Ginger bread or ginger bread cookies (Germany, Sweden)
marzipan candy (Germany)
colored marshmallows or fruit salad w/ colored marshmallows (Mexico)
rice pudding (Sweden)
fruit cake or fruitcake cookies (England)
pizzelles (Italy)
Yule log cake (France…. maybe Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls?)
Sugar cookies (Norway)

Or please feel free to make or bring another snack- if your family has a special treat/tradition we’d love to taste it and hear about it!  We will also need water bottles or juice boxes, plates, napkins, and spoons or forks. Also, a parent has volunteered to send in pizzas for lunch that day, so students will not need lunches or lunch money. If you’d rather send in a fruit or veggie than a holiday food that will be fine.

Thanks so much!