Thursday, November 30, 2017


I hope you and your families all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break! We are charging full speed ahead into the last bit of the 2nd quarter!

By now you have probably heard some pretty excited chatter from your child about our Social Studies unit focused economics unit, it is always a favorite! We have done some background work about economies and vocabulary associated with business such as entrepreneur, supply and demand, good vs. service, etc. Students have brainstormed ideas and formed groups to become entrepreneurs themselves. They have completed business plans and gotten approval from me- the next step is approval from you :) Some of their ideas will require some supplies to be purchased by parents. THIS IS NOT A REQUIREMENT- I can supply paper, posters, glue, tape, markers, etc. I have asked students to run their idea by their parents to see if they are willing to buy what they need, if not just let me know and we will come up with a business idea that will work based on the supplies I have here at school. We are asking all items be ready/completed by Monday, December 11th for our holiday market on Tuesday December 2nd. Most students can use class time to work on their products (items like bookmarks, bracelets, paper airplanes, etc), as long as they aren’t something that is super messy (like slime).

In Reading we will continue to work on nonfiction reading with a project researching winter holidays around the world. Students are charting info about their own families and countries/holidays they’ve read about. Toward the end of next week will start to look at similarities between lots of different celebrations. As a way to culminate this work and celebrate the end of the 2nd 9 weeks we will have party with different foods from different countries/traditions. Be on the lookout next week for a letter about this and a list of food ideas.

In Math we have started working on long division and are continuing to practice/reinforce multi digit multiplication. We are studying the relationship between multiplication and division. We will continue to focus on division for the rest of this 9 weeks and into the 3rd quarter.

Here are some important dates for the rest of the quarter:

December 6 Early Release, 11:35
    12   Holiday Market Day
    13  Awards Assembly for the 2nd semester- more info soon
    14  last day of the 2nd quarter, **please note, this is a THURSDAY**

January     9   first day of the 3rd quarter, **please note, this is a TUESDAY**
               15   No School- MLK, Jr. Holiday