Weekly Update July 15-19
Welcome to 5th grade, we had a great first day! I hope you hear lots of good things tonight! Thank you for all of the supplies. We are going to work very hard to be efficient with our resources this year so hopefully we have enough to last all year!
I have traditionally sent home a paper weekly update each Monday. This year I am going to send it out as an email. If you prefer a paper copy please let me know. Each week your child will have an assignment sheet in the front of their binder. On this sheet they will record their homework assignments and I will list important dates and reminders. Please initial this sheet each night after checking that they completed their homework. I will talk more about homework in detail at parent info night next week.
Today they have just a little bit of homework; I am going to gradually ease them into our normal routine. J In class we spent most of our time working on our classroom community and getting to know each other. I have also explained to them many of my expectations, the most important of which is, “I expect nothing less than your personal best.” We talked about what this means for different parts of our day, different places in the school, and how it applies to academics and behavior. We will spend lots more time this week going more in depth with creating our classroom rules, identifying consequences, etc.
-Please complete and return the packet of forms from the first day. It is especially important that we get the emergency card ASAP and that it include the names and contact info of people, in addition to parents that we can reach in case of an emergency. Additional emergency contacts are especially important this year because we will travel to Washington DC for an overnight trip. Let me know if you need an extra copy of any of the forms.
Please feel free to contact me at anytime if you have questions or concerns for your child. Usually email is the fastest way to reach me. If you have an urgent message, such as a transportation change please call the office to ensure that I get the message before the bell rings. It is my goal to work with each of you to ensure that your child enjoys school and works hard to do their best this year…and has a little fun along the way J!
Thank you,
Casey Nunnery
919.732.6137 X43502